Rimal Al Sahra understands how occupiers assess properties and community needs, ultimately allowing us to deliver developments which anticipate responses to the current market demands. With a clear understanding of the current property market, performance and a comprehensive knowledge of how property is assessed, Rimal Al Sahra is well positioned to capitalise on emerging opportunities within the marketplace, as we specifically target land in key development areas that have the potential for exponential growth within the UAE.

Our Business Model
We pride ourselves in helping our investors to achieve financial success and will always go the extra mile to see that they meet their financial growth, whilst upholding strong principles of integrity; which is the underlying foundation upon which we strive to deliver top standards of client satisfaction.
Intelligent Investing
Through decades of experience within our management consultancy team and our genuine passion for property, we strive to maximise returns for our investors, ensuring that comprehensive due diligence is carried out before any transaction is finalized, In doing this, it enables us to get the best value when acquiring land.
Future Outlook
The year 2022 will be a key year for the UAE property market. With property prices soaring, much focus will be on what property prices are doing and why. With COVID-19 changing the way we view offices as a place of work, many people are looking to the UAE as a hotspot for digital nomads.
We are committed to ensuring that each successful completion from acquisition to exit, offers the potential for significant capital gains while mitigating upfront risks through extensive in-house due diligence. Our commitment is shown by our transparency, whilst acting as stewards of the assets that we manage.